What is FAD?
The Vision
Friends for African Development (FAD) is called to follow Christ by sharing the love and resources he gives us with the poor and oppressed in African countries. We seek to empower and transform communities expressing God’s love by what we do.
Mission Statement
Friends for African Development (FAD) is a Christian non-profit organization operating in Africa to help and empower the poor and oppressed. We are working with our brothers and sisters in Africa to serve the poor and to communicate God’s love through our words and our resources. Our mission is to follow Christ by focusing on the basic necessities—health, economy, education, community, and spiritual needs—of the poor in Africa.
Toward these ends we have resolved the following:
- That FAD be dedicated to communicating Christ in all we do (there should be no doubt that we are Christians working for and representing the Lord Jesus Christ),
- That the board has a clear vision of who we are and what we are about; identifiable goals for our organization to achieve.
Who is FAD?
FAD is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization administered by men and women who believe in the mission of Jesus Christ to address the physical and spiritual problems of this world. At present FAD is an all volunteer organization made up of seven board members and several other volunteers who have a love and concern for the people in Africa.
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